Additional Help for editing C&C (Multiplayer) Maps Contents: [1] the Players= entry [2] Testing Multiplayer levels in Singleplayer mode [3] the Buildlevel= entry [4] the Theme= entry [5] the Theatre= entry or "unable to load ..." error [6a] the Waypoints= entry or how to define starting positions [6b] how to calculate INI figures [7] the Edge= entry [8] the [Base] section [9] the [Basic] section [10] the good and the bad units [11] changes didn't took effect ? [1] the Players= entry ********************** The CCMAP editor provides a good graphical interface for editing C&C Maps, however some things are still to be edited directly in the INI. To get things working in Multiplayer, the Player= entry must be one of the following: Player=Multi1 Player=Multi2 Player=Multi3 Player=Multi4 I didn't notice any difference. [2] Testing Multiplayer levels in Singleplayer mode *************************************************** To test your level in Single-Player you need to put at least one unit in it (I recommend the APC because of it's great view radius and high speed) and set the Player= entry to that of the ownership of the vehicle. I always use GoodGuy (BTW, C&C doesn't care about uppercase/lowercase letters) and insert my INI and MAP as SCG01EA.INI and SCG01EA.MAP in the GENERAL.MIX. If you just see a black screen move around until you find your unit(s). If you don't find any, you probably forgot to set the appropriate Player= to your unit's ownership. [3] About the Buildlevel= entry ******************************* I don't know if the BuildLevel= entry is important but it doesn't hurt to provide consecutive figures beginning at 1. I always put BuildLevel=1 as the first Multiplayerlevel (in other words, I always replace Green Acres with the level which has BuildLevel=1). [4] About the Theme= entry ************************** Set Theme= to one of the following for interesting new music scores: Theme=J1 Theme=Untamed Land [5] About the Theatre= entry or "unable to load ..." error ********************************************************** I once misspelled the Theatre= entry (I typed TEMPERAT because of the filename TEMPERAT.MIX instead of TEMPERATE) and got the error "unable to load ". So if you get this error, check the Theatre= entry. [6a] About the Waypoints= entry or how to define starting positions ****************************************************************** The [Waypoints] section defines the starting points of the MCVs. Note that additional units are randomly placed around an MCV. You can leave the [Waypoints] section blank but then it can happen that MCVs are placed where they can't be placed so they won't be placed at all ! So be sure to have at least 4 entries in this section. Entries start with the highest number first. Just look at this: [Waypoints] 3=392 2=2233 1=2183 0=442 Note that the 3= is the first entry, 0= the last. They need to be consecutive. For Single Player one of the waypoints defines the screen location at the beginning of the level. I think the highest numbered entry is used for that. [6b] How to calculate INI figures ******************************** Now how to calculate these numbers if you only have x,y figures ? I assume that your first Waypoint is at X=33 and Y=9. The formula for calculating these values above is as follows: waypoint = X + (Y * 64) So our example would calculate this way: waypoint = 33 + (9 * 64) =-> waypoint = 609 [7] About the Edge= entry ************************* I'm not sure about the Edge= entry but I don't see any effect if changing them to East, West or South. [8] About the [Base] section **************************** The [Base] section seems to be of importance in Single Player Levels where you need to find your base first. I think it contains the buildings already there which fall into your hand after discovering them. [9] About the [Basic] section ****************************** These [Basic] settings don't have any effects in Multiplayer Games: [Basic] CarryOverCap=-1 CarryOverMoney=100 Percent=0 BuildLevel=96 Action=LANDING Lose=GAMEOVER Win=CONSYARD Brief=x Intro=x I'm not positive about the BuildLevel= entry. [10] About the good and the bad units ***************************************** It seems as if GoodGuy or BadGuy UNITS in Multiplayer scenarios cause the game to go out of sync. I think this also applies to STRUCTURES, at least to some of them. I haven't tested that yet. Neutral and Special Units are ok though. If you get out of Sync errors from the very start check all buildings and units for their ownership. [11] changes didn't took effect ? ********************************* If you start a Multiplayer Game and like to test out your newly created Map and the name doesn't show up (correctly) or the level isn't what it looked like in the editor, there are two possibilities: First you may have forgotten to insert the INI or MAP (or both) into the GENERAL.MIX file in your C&C diretory. The second possibility is due to an existing INI file in your C&C directory named SCM*.INI. If there is another SCM01EA.INI file in the directory and you inserted your MAP as the first Multiplayer level the external INI will be loaded anyway. The same goes for Single Player levels, too. Check your directory for outdated or different SC*.INI files. If I get more important stuff I'll add it here in the next release of the "Tiberiamazing" Multiplayer Map Series. Have fun ! Any suggestions, comments, additions, cries for help, criticism or praise go to DOOM Addict 100606,2141. -DOOM Addict